Introducing the Arkanaut Admiral, the pinnacle of Kharadron Overlords leadership, now available as a standalone miniature! This elite officer commands entire airfleets from their flagship, embodying the highest standards of excellence and profit in the Kharadron hierarchy.
Crafted with 12 intricate plastic components, this kit assembles a formidable Arkanaut Admiral, a true leader in the skies. Dressed in robust sealed armor enhanced with pipes, valves, and other technological marvels, this duardin commander wields an aether-powered skalfhammer and a precision volley pistol. The Admiral’s attire is adorned with ornate embellishments that reflect years of successful service and battle-hardened experience.
Standing on a crystal-studded rock base, the Arkanaut Admiral surveys the battlefield from an optimal vantage point, inspiring their crew to achieve remarkable feats in the pursuit of wealth and glory. This unpainted, assembly-required miniature is a must-